We outperform your current OnlyFans management agency and guarantee you more profitOtherwise we'll give you

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Garrafa Green People


Garrafa Green People

How we work

Full-Service for your OnlyFans Business.

And here are some of our case studies

It's not your fault if you're currently stuck making $5k-$30k a month and not progressing any further

Your agency promises you a lot - but they don't tell you that

You are in mass management

Most agencies manage over 50 creators at the same time, giving you far too little attention. Whether you earn $5k, $30k, or $100k a month doesn't matter to most agencies.

No employee structures

With most agencies, you only have one employee or the CEO as a contact person who takes care of traffic, content, and the backend. This leads to slow implementation speed and few results.

No individual marketing plan

At the beginning, your agency promises you a customized marketing plan and to be active on several platforms. After the first few weeks, you quickly realize that every other creator gets exactly the same content lists and you are just a number in the system.

No experience in business

Most agencies are newly founded or don't deal with new trends at all and always do the same things that don't work. This leaves you frustrated because nothing is progressing.

Far too little money in chatting

Your agency wants to invest as little time as possible in you, only works with spam PPVs, and does not build up a relationship with your fans. You are given the same scripts as all other creators so the agency can train its chatters. As a result, you are currently losing a lot of money and can only dream of a 10% chatting ratio.

Low proportion, low results

Many agencies lure you in with a low rate but deliver little in return. They don't have the resources and opportunities to fully care for you. If you get 60% of $5,000, you still earn less than if you get 40% of $20,000, for example.

Did you recognize yourself?

To truly succeed with your OnlyFans business, you don't need another mass management agency. You need a boutique agency that sees you as a person and supports you personally 1:1.

This is what you need:

Full-Service for your OnlyFans Business.

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Leak Removal

Take control of your content with our expert leak removal team. We utilize cutting-edge detection technology and legal expertise to eliminate unauthorized sharing, helping creators maintain their exclusive status and maximize subscription value. Contact us today to see how we can protect your digital presence.

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OnlyFans for Influencer

Maximize your earnings with Unfiltered Management's specialized OnlyFans services. We offer personalized strategies, expert support, and dedicated account management to elevate your brand and boost your revenue. Contact us today to transform your OnlyFans career.

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Agency Switch

Switch to Unfiltered Management effortlessly and unlock your full potential. Our expert team ensures a seamless transition, handling every detail to keep your content and revenue flow uninterrupted. Experience the benefits of our personalized strategies, dedicated account management, and proven success in maximizing earnings. Elevate your OnlyFans career with superior support and innovative solutions. Contact us today to make the switch and take the first step towards greater success.

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Account Management

We take care of your OnlyFans Account. Uploading Feedposts, creating captions, 24/7 chatting service to sell your content to the fans and dealing with custom requests

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Social Media Strategies

With our Social Media Strategies, we managed to bring Creators in their first month on OnlyFans to three times more sales. Our systemized solution to gain organic viral attraction on TikTok and convert them into high paying subscribers on your OnlyFans Account.

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Account Review

We constantly analyze our accounts to optimize them. The sub-chatting ratio is not good? We will find the reason and change it! Of course, we will keep you updated on that.

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Other agencies vs. unfiltered management:

Other Agencies

Mass management and generic content

Spam from PPV bulk messages

No personal support

Do as little as possible

Unfiltered Management

Personal marketing plan for all socials

Well-trained chatters

Intensive contact with managers and help with account bans

Takes over almost all tasks and maximizes your profit

Don’t just take our word for it

Hear from some of our amazing customers who are building faster.



20 y/o from Kyiv


Anastasiia from worked as a barista for 40 hours a week, earning only $2,000 a month. She was frustrated and unfulfilled. As a child, she dreamed of traveling the world but never had enough money. She started OnlyFans and earned $2k-$3k per month but sales were volatile. She lacked the know-how for branding and chatting to scale further.


In early 2023, she received a message from the CEO of Unfiltered Management on Instagram and decided to work with us. From day one, she was relieved of tedious tasks, developed suitable branding, received individual content plans, and had a professional chatting team appointed. Her only task was to produce content for 2-3 hours a day.


In the first month, she achieved $20k in revenue, allowing her to quit her job. By the fourth month, she reached $100k monthly revenue and after 8 months, $200k. She now travels to beautiful places like Thailand, Cyprus, and Spain, indulges in luxury, supports her family, and regularly invites her parents on her trips.



21 y/o from Paris


Lucie earned $2,500 a month from a steady job but had $54,000 in credit card debt and a mortgage. She had sleepless nights worrying about paying off her debts. She started OnlyFans and quickly earned $4,000 a month but was stuck on a plateau.


Lucie joined Unfiltered Management in July 2023. She was relieved of annoying tasks like chatting and content plans and received individual branding. She only had to focus on the content, saving 20 hours a week and gaining more free time.


Within 4 months, her turnover increased from $4,000 to $60,000 per month. She quit her job, paid off her debts, and now travels monthly to places like Las Vegas and Mexico. She can now sleep peacefully, worry-free, and enjoy financial and local freedom.



25 y/o from Washington


Michelle started OnlyFans in 2022 with a large agency. She was in mass management, earning no more than $9,000 a month and had no personal contact. She received generic TikTok lists and had to send mass messages herself because the agency was poor at chatting.


When Michelle joined Unfiltered Management, she tripled her subscribers through daily marketing strategies. A trained chatting team that truly wrote individually with subscribers increased her sales from chatting from 30% to 80%.


Within 3 months, Michelle's turnover increased from $9,000 to over $55,000 a month. She retired, financed her mother, and regularly bought her siblings great gifts. In January 2024, she bought a house in Ohio where she now lives.

Authenticity and professionalism in perfectionism.

We are an international OnlyFans boutique agency with a special focus on existing creators who already generate 5-30k monthly revenue. 
Our absolute strength lies in scaling OnlyFans accounts to 100k monthly sales and more. We have been able to prove this several times in the last 5 years since our foundation and have greatly improved the lives of our creators.

We are convinced that everyone should live happily in freedom and be able to fulfill all their dreams. That is exactly our motto. And we do the same with our Creators.

Thanks to our head quarters in Miami, Berlin and Poland, we have a large international network and can provide our models with the best possible care. 


years of experience


creators in active support


Managers on the team


turnover last year


monthly revenue with our best model


headquarters worldwide in Miami, Berlin, and Poland

Your path to $100k a month with your OnlyFans account


You register on our website and we will arrange a call together.

In a joint discussion, we will review your current situation, look at which optimizations will lead directly to more profit, and create a detailed strategy together. Whether you work with us or not is entirely up to you. In any case, you will receive valuable insights and clarity.


Decision on cooperation

If we see great potential in you and would like to work with you personally, we will make you an offer for cooperation.


Start of the collaboration

At the beginning, we will create a strategy that suits you personally and develop a concrete roadmap of when and how you will achieve specific sales targets. You will receive individual content lists immediately, we will hire and train a professional chatting team just for your account, and we will support you with leaks and account bans.


Optimization & scaling

You will have weekly 1:1 meetings with the CEO of Unfiltered Management to go through the next steps. This ensures absolute clarity, allows us to stay up-to-date, and scales your business profitably. We typically triple to quintuple your turnover within just 2 months.


Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about

What happens when I register on your website?
You will be contacted via WhatsApp within 48 hours and we will arrange a meeting with our CEO. During the meeting, we will evaluate your account's potential and give you the next steps - 100% free of charge and with no obligation.
Do I have to have an OnlyFans account?
Yes, we currently only work with existing OnlyFans creators.
How much monthly turnover do I need to achieve?
We only work with models who are already doing OnlyFans either on their own or with an agency. Ideally, you should currently generate between $5k and $30k monthly revenue so that we can scale you optimally.
What will it cost me to work with Unfiltered Management?
In the beginning, the collaboration won't cost you a cent, as we only work on a performance basis. That's why we are very interested in your success, because we only earn something when you earn something.
Do I have a personal contact person?
Yes, we have experts for every area in the team with whom you are in regular contact. You will also have a personal 1:1 meeting with the CEO of Unfiltered Management every week.
What makes you different from other agencies?
While all other agencies focus on as many models as possible at the same time, we as a boutique agency focus on very few creators in order to make them as successful as possible. We also support you with account bans and leaks, for example. Many of our current creators appreciate precisely this personal and stronger contact compared to other agencies.